ZOOM SEMINAR & TRAINING Αξιολόγηση στη Πρώιμη Παρέμβαση: 5 Series -Workshops για Στρατηγικές, Εργαλεία και Δοκιμές Αξιολόγησης και Εκτίμησης Γνωρίστε την Trainer: Toby
Live and Online Monitoring
1Top Level Speakers
3Collaboration With The Best Universities Worldwide
2Unique Education Experience
Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Georgetown University and Director of Professional Development atCenter for Child and Human Development. He is a faculty member of the GU Minors in Education, Inquiry and Justice and Disability Studies.
Dr. Long received her bachelor's degree in physical therapy from Boston University, her master's degree in early childhood special education from George Washington University, and her doctorate in human development from the University of Maryland. He is on the editorial boards of Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics and Infants and Toddlers. He is the author of more than 60 peer-reviewed publications including The Handbook of Pediatric Physical Therapy, Third Edition. Dr. Long is the recipient of a variety of prestigious awards, including the Lucy Blair Service Award from the American Physical Therapy Association, the Jeanne Fisher Distinguished Mentoring Award from the American Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapists, and the Bud Dehaven Award from the American Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapists. She was named a Catherine Worthingham Fellow by the American Physical Therapy Association.
In addition, Dr. Long works with colleagues to serve infants and toddlers with disabilities and delays using modern, evidence-based practices throughout Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the Gulf region and Asia.
28 September 2024
12 Οκτωβρίου 2024
>Αναπτυξιακή Αξιολόγηση
14 Δεκεμβρίου 2024
>Αυθεντική Αξιολόγηση
18 Ιανουαρίου 2025
19 Ιανουαρίου 2025
>Head Start και Early Head Start (HS/EHS)
Προσφορά 5-Series Assessment Workshop
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*Ελάχιστη Συμμετοχή 2 σεμινάρια εκ των οποίων το 1ο είναι Δωρεάν με κωδικό EAW1
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Supporting professionals to develop their occupational & speech therapy skills and learn new techniques!
Αναπτυξιακή Ψυχολόγος
Το Messy Play Based Therapy είναι μια αισθητικοκινητική -με επίκεντρο το σώμα- προσέγγιση (bottom – up approach), η οποία εφαρμόζεται ατομικά ή ομαδικά, με απόλυτο σεβασμό για την κάθε ξεχωριστή προσωπικότητα.Είναι μια θεραπεία που αξιοποιεί πλήρως τις θεραπευτικές δυνάμεις του παιχνιδιού μέσω της ενεργοποίησης των αισθήσεων» (Siobhán Prendiville(2017) και μπορεί να αξιοποιηθεί από κάθε θεραπευτική προσέγγιση, προσαρμοσμένη στους εκάστοτε στόχους.
Μέσα από αυτή την εκπαίδευση οι συμμετέχοντες/ουσες θα λάβουν όλα τααπαραίτητα εφόδια ώστε να ξεκινήσουν να ενσωματώνουν το αισθητηριακό παιχνίδι στις συνεδρίες τους, σχεδιάζοντας με προσοχή τις αισθητηριακές εμπειρίες που χρειάζονται οι θεραπευόμενοι/ες τους.
Occupational Therapist MS OTR/L
Petros Chalkitis is an occupational therapist with more than 20 years of experience with various groups of patients (autism, sensory processing disorders, children with physical disabilities, with muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy and spina bifida). He graduated from NYIT with a Masters in Occupational Therapy in 2004. He has worked in private contexts with sensory gyms, in schools and in home therapy. It mainly specializes in children aged 2-12 years. He holds certifications in Yoga Therapy for the Child with Developmental Challenges, Therapeutic Listening, Astronaut Training, Rhythmic Movement Training, Handwriting Without Tears, S'cool Moves, Managing Visual Deficits Visual/Vestibular Assessment & Treatment, Safe And Sound protocol, and in Creating Sensory Diets for school-aged children. He also specializes in L1 and L2 reflex integration training with Sonia Story. He is one of the first occupational therapists to participate in the launch of the SEED (Sensory Education Exploration Discovery) program at the New York Department of Education.
Discover the connection of rhythmic movements and reflexes and early intervention. It focuses on the importance of reflexes and rhythmic movements for the development and well-being of children, especially during the first years of life. The objective of the seminar is to provide participants with theoretical and practical knowledge, which will enhance their ability to recognize, evaluate and deal with difficulties through the correct application of reflexes.
ZOOM SEMINAR & TRAINING Αξιολόγηση στη Πρώιμη Παρέμβαση: 5 Series -Workshops για Στρατηγικές, Εργαλεία και Δοκιμές Αξιολόγησης και Εκτίμησης Γνωρίστε την Trainer: Toby
SAVE THE DATE LIVE SEMINAR & TRAINING Messy Play Based Therapy: Sensory play as a means of prevention and treatment in Early Intervention
SAVE THE DATE LIVE SEMINAR & TRAINING Rhythmic Movements and Reflexes: Assessment, Applications and Early Intervention Techniques from an Occupational Therapy Perspective
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
United States
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Email: info@example.com
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Email: info@example.com
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Email: info@example.com
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Email: info@example.com
1Hd- 50, 010 Avenue, NY 90001
United States
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Email: info@example.com
Name: Ronaldo König
Phone: 009-215-5595
Email: info@example.com