
Δρ Ελένη Καραντάνα

Developmental Pediatrician, Private, MD, PhD

Founding member of the Society of Greek Developmental Pediatricians. Scientific Manager of the Panhellenic School of Parallel Support Attendants. Former scientific manager of the public health department of P&A Kyriakou Children's Hospital.

Mother of two daughters, born in Athens and graduated from Arsakeio Psychiko School. He holds a degree from the Semmelweis University School of Medicine in Budapest. She completed her training at the Pediatric Clinic of the Regional Hospital of Rhodes and later at the Pediatric Clinic of the "Agios Panteleimon - Nice" General Hospital.

He did specialized training in "Developmental Pediatrics" at the 3rd Pediatric Clinic of the University of Athens, at "Attikon" Hospital. She is a member of the Hellenic Network of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), the Hellenic Society for the Study of ADHD, the Hellenic Society for Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics and is in charge of academic studies at the Panhellenic Partner Support School.

From 2007 to May 14, 2020, he was a member of the medical staff at "P. & A. Kyriakou" Children's Hospital: from 2010 to January 2019 she was the Scientific Director of the Developmental Clinic in the Department of Public Health and from 2012 she was also the director. In May 2020, he resigned from the National Health System (NHS) and joined the Scientific Group of Pediatric Endocrine Clinics, taking over the direction of the Developmental Department.

9:00 - 10:30 ΠΜ

Saturday 20 Ιανουαρίου 2024

Επικαιρομένα αναπτυξιακά ορόσημα & Πρώιμη ανίχνευση αναπτυξιακών δυσκολιών - Από την Υποψία στη Διάγνωση -