Assessment in Early Intervention: 5 Series -Workshops

Code: EAW1- Introduction [28 September 2024]
>An overview of the 5-series Assessments Workshops is given regarding the assessment, the speaker and her role, the format of the supervisory circles and their expectations. Content will include the differentiation of Screening, Assessment and Evaluation Tools, Strategies and Testing.
Code: EAW2- Developmental Assessment [October 12, 2024]
>Περιγράφεται ο σκοπός και η διαδικασία συλλογής Αναπτυξιακών πληροφοριών για μικρά παιδιά χρησιμοποιώντας σταθμισμένα, μη – σταθμισμένα αξιολογητικά εργαλεία. Θα συζητηθούν ο σκοπός, τα οφέλη και οι χρήσεις αυτών των εργαλείων. Τα εργαλεία που χρησιμοποιούνται για τη συλλογή πληροφοριών και στους πέντε αναπτυξιακούς τομείς θα παρουσιαστούν με έμφαση στις αδρές, λεπτές και αισθητικο-κινητικές δεξιότητες.
Code: EAW3 –Authentic Evaluation [14 December 2024]
>Assessment is the gathering of information about a child and his family to make decisions about providing early intervention services. Unlike conventional (traditional) testing, authentic assessment captures behavior in real-life situations and routines. Authentic assessment has the flexibility to adapt to the functional limitations of children with various disabilities. It allows children to show what they can really do in any way possible, not just in the way determined by the test. It will discuss the benefits of using authentic assessment with young children with disabilities, the advantages of authentic assessment compared to developmental skills checklists, and introduce a variety of authentic assessment assessment tools.
Code: EAW4- Application [January 18, 2025]
>Using a case-based approach developed by the speaker and participants to apply the information to real clinical cases. Emphasis will be placed on the use of collected information to create operational objectives and strategies based on collection evidence to achieve results.
Code: EAW5- Head Start και Early Head Start (HS/EHS) [January 19, 2025]
>Head Start and Early Head Start is the federally funded early childhood care and education program in the US. The history of Head Start, the parts of the program, the benefits of the program and the unique aspects that can be applied in the Greek clinical context are explained.
Duration: 5 days
- Occupational therapists
- Speech therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Early Intervention Providers
- Educators